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Specializing in Concrete Wall Sawing Services

Ashton Sawing and Drilling specializes in concrete wall sawing services in Texas & Louisiana. Our concrete specialists can complete even the most challenging concrete wall sawing jobs. We can cut concrete at depths of two feet with our wall saw fleet and rely on this technique when other saws are too large for the job. We are one of the only companies using a three-phase, 480-volt electric saw, which is among the most powerful wall saws available. Ashton Sawing and Drilling offers comprehensive concrete services to ensure you’re satisfied with your concrete project. We enlist high-quality customer service and products on all our projects. Contact us to learn more!




Workers Saw a Wall in Texas & Louisiana

Why Perform Concrete Wall Sawing?

Concrete wall cutting is common for cutting concrete on a vertical surface. Existing concrete walls are often cut to create doors and windows. Concrete is a thick, strong material used in construction, so it requires a unique process for cutting. The controlled concrete wall sawing process helps safely and effectively remove or modify concrete. It’s critical to hire professionals to saw concrete. Without the correct tools or experience, you can make dangerous and costly mistakes.




Benefits of Concrete Wall Sawing

Concrete wall sawing offers many advantages for construction projects. Concrete wall sawing is the fastest and most efficient way to create necessary spaces in existing concrete walls. Concrete wall cutting benefits vary according to each project, but they typically provide:



  • A safe and effective way to cut heavily reinforced concrete
  • A way to cut areas with limited access
  • A reduction in downtime
  • A way to cut perfectly straight lines for precision
  • A reduction in noise and debris
  • A way to maintain structural integrity




Sawing and drilling

Concrete Wall Sawing Applications

Ashton Sawing and Drilling’s concrete specialists can precisely cut many applications. The most common ways we use our concrete wall sawing services include:

  • Window openings
  • Door openings
  • Vents
  • HVAC expansion
  • Removal of panels
  • Beam cutting




Specialists in Concrete Sawing

Our team members are specialists in concrete sawing and drilling. Our well-trained professionals customize concrete sawing services to meet the needs of your project. We ensure you won’t waste your time, money, and effort with us. We maintain the highest level of work quality for the best possible results. We have a long history in this business, so we always have an expert that manages your construction projects from start to finish. You can rely on us for comprehensive concrete services, including concrete placement, slab sawing, load and haul, and more. We’re committed to unmatched service and high-quality products.




Contact Ashton Sawing and Drilling 

Ashton Sawing and Drilling has over 20 years of experience offering premier concrete services. We’ve built ourselves into one of the area’s largest concrete service providers because we put our customers’ needs first. We never compromise the quality of our work and always offer convenient service. Our innovative tools and equipment ensure we have what you need to get the job done right the first time. Our concrete sawing services ensure you have precision-cut openings with the perfect tools. We’re ready to get started today! Contact us to work on your commercial or industrial concrete project.


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