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Moisture measuring

What Is Concrete Scanning?

Concrete Scanning in Texas and Louisiana

When evaluating a structure for demolition, you want to be certain that it is safe to proceed. There could be many hazards lurking beneath the surface that are not easily visible to the naked eye. This is where concrete scanning comes in. At Ashton Sawing and Drilling LLC, our concrete contractors use high-tech concrete scanning technology to locate any potential hazards in a structure before demolition begins. Let’s explore this cutting-edge technology and how it is used in the demolition industry.

What Is Concrete Scanning?

Concrete scanning is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that uses radar pulses to detect hidden features in concrete and other types of materials. NDT methods are used to evaluate the strength, integrity, and safety of materials without causing any damage. Concrete scanning is often used in conjunction with other NDT methods, such as concrete x-ray and electromagnetic scanning.

When Is Concrete Scanning Used?

Concrete scanning is commonly used during demolition projects to locate hidden reinforcement steel, post-tension cables, conduits, and pipes that may be embedded in the concrete. By knowing the location of these hidden features, workers can avoid damaging them while demolishing the structure. Concrete scanning is also used to locate voids and honeycombs in concrete, which can cause structural problems.

Why Is Concrete Scanning Important?

Concrete scanning is important because it allows workers to safely and efficiently demolish a structure while avoiding any hidden hazards. After scanning the concrete, demolition workers can create a map of the hidden features and plan the safest and most efficient way to proceed with the demolition. Concrete scanning technology also helps to minimize the amount of waste generated during a demolition project, as workers can target only the areas of the structure that need to be removed.

How Does Concrete Scanning Work?

Concrete scanning uses ground-penetrating radar (GPR) technology to detect hidden features in concrete. GPR is a type of electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate through soil and concrete. When GPR waves hit a hidden object, they are reflected back to the surface where they can be detected by a special antenna. The data collected by the antenna is then processed and displayed on a computer screen, creating a map of the hidden features.

Who Uses Concrete Scanning?

Concrete scanning is typically used by demolition contractors, engineers, and other professionals who need to know the location of hidden features in a concrete structure. At Ashton Sawing and Drilling LLC, we have more than 20 years of experience leading the concrete industry. Our highly trained and experienced concrete contractors use the latest concrete scanning technology to safely and efficiently demolish your structure.

Contact Us for Concrete Scanning in Texas and Louisiana

If you need concrete scanning services in Texas or Louisiana, contact Ashton Sawing and Drilling LLC today. Our concrete contractors will use the latest concrete scanning technology to safely and efficiently demolish your structure. We have offices in Dallas, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Houston, and we serve clients throughout Texas and Louisiana. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation.